AMHA has purchased coaching tools that are available for all AMHA teams to use during their weekly practices. The tools can be found in the cages at each arena as listed below.
To obtain the code for the lock please call the office at 403.912.2680.
Please ensure that after you finish with the coaching tools they all get put back in the proper locations and the cages are locked up again.
Ron Ebbesen Blue
The Cage on the Blue Side of Ron Ebbesen Arena has coaching tools, such as: mini tires, danglers, different types of balls, ladders, parachutes, cones of various sizes, weight vests, mini nets and bumpers for your use.
Ron Ebbesen Gold
There is a small cage at the front of the Gold side - Murray Buchanan Arena. This cage has mini nets and coaching tools for that ice surface. The bumpers for that ice surface are still found at the back. There are floor mats back there so that you can access the bumpers from the ice with your skates on.
Genesis Shane
Our two cages on the Shane side have bumpers in one cage and coaching tools in the other.
Genesis Rockyview
A new cage has been build at the front of the Rockyview arena, just to the left of the entrance door. This cage is for the bumpers on the Rockyview side. (please note that the bumpers are standing and need to be maneuvered in and out of the cage without hitting the light above them) If you have practice on Rockyview and you would like coaching tools, you will need to get them from the Shane side and then return them to the Shane cage after.
Plainsmen, Crossfield and Beiseker
Sorry we are still working on finding storage solutions for coaching tools at these two arenas.
MacLean Hockey has made available to AMHA an Instagram account specifically for AMHA coaches that will be populated with Drills & Skills, Videos and other tools throughout the year. They have already posted some drills and presentations on the account.
The Instagram account is 'macleanhockeyamha' . I would recommend you follow this Instagram account as well as MacLean Hockey's main Instagram account .
Coaches, check back often for the latest information and videos presented by MacLean Hockey.
Hockey Alberta has lots of ideas to help you with different team building ideas throughout the season. Please refer to their Hockey Alberta Team Building Activities for suggestions.